......Activating satellite relay.......recieving response.......comm beacon ident code authentication in progress....
........USS Sulaco confirmed......USCMC DECRYPT activated......
....USS Sulaco co-ordinates confirmed - LV 426.............Zeta Reticuli system...
..Log download complete..
I recently purchased the new Aliens co-operative game A Glorious Day in the Corps, and was very eager to try it out, so decided to play the first mission to rescue the sole survivor of Hadleys Hope the young girl Newt
So I chose Corporal Hicks as my hero and equiped him with the M56 Smartgun and a set of body armour, next Ripley, Hudson and Vasquez were equiped with a M41A Pulse rifle each, Private Frost clutched his trusty M240 Incinerator while Lietenant Gorman sported Hicks Ithaca model 37 shotgun. Time to locate the child Newt.
Turn 1
So Cpl Hicks kicks off the first marine turn by heading off to access the computer terminal with the hope of locating Newt quickly
Private Vasquez moves and uses her Arc Welder to seal a door onto the main corridor hoping this will prevent them being cut off from the exit
Lt Gorman heads to alien spawn point 2 intending to barracade it on his next turn after having to use both his actions hurrying to get to the point, following his Lietenant's example Private Frost moved upto the door leading to spawn point 4 and with a successful tech check barracaded the door, the rest of the turn passed quietly as Ripley and Hudson headed toward spawn points 1 and 3, while in the aliens turn the blips moved slowly toward Cpl Hicks as he was the closest marine target
Turn 2
Cpl Hicks kicks off turn 2 by using the colony terminal to access the scanners to check the pings his first check located a xenomorph contact, but with his second scan
Success!! |
He then passed this information to Ripley so she could find and calm the young girl, Hudson moved to spawn point 1 and passed a tech check (dice gods being very kind) to barracade it
Lt Gorman not having as good a tech stat as Ripley, had to use both his actions to barracade spawn point 2 so had to stay in place, Frost and Hudson moved into the target area to back up Ripley in turn 3, Vasquez moved toward the blips approching Hicks intending to defend the Corporal from the incoming aliensShould have equipped him with an arc welder
Turn 3
Turn 3 kicks off with Hicks yelling into his comm to tell Ripley "Do it fast" as he could hear the sounds of approching xenomorphs, at this urging she moves around the corner to find Newt's hiding place Frost moves into the corridor to cover Ripley as she attempts to find the panicking child
Ripley fails her first attempt to calm Newt, but after Hicks hurry up she had a second action and she passed Newt was now calmed enough to follow Ripley
At the start of the alien turn a xenomorph breaks through the barracade at point 1, but luckily private Frost was nearby with his trusty incinerator
Xenomorph flambe!
Vasquez having failed to Barracade the door suddenly found herself face to "face" with a group of Xenomorphs
"Lets Rock!!" |
As the Xenomorphs charge Vasquez she levels her Pulse rifle and opens up with a hail of defensive auto fire
Using the full auto defensive fire she manages to cut down all the charging Xenomorphs (my dice luck still holding out Lol)
Turn 4
With Newt in hand and the Xenomorphs killed by Vasquez, Hicks moves back toward the central corridor, Vasquez following behind, having a longer distance to move. While stepping over the smoldering remains of the Xenomorph Frost rebuilt the barracade at spawn point 1
Hudson fails his tech check the first time
but on the second attempt success!!
Ripley and Newt run for the exit while Hudson and Frost are working on the barracades, but as they arrive near the exit it hands over to the Xenomorph turn
The motion tracker card spawns 2 blips at point 2 right next to the escaping squad and with a successful dice roll the swarm bursts through the barracade!!!
As the xenomorphs charge the marines Lt Gorman opens up with defensive fire from the Ithica shotgun killing 1 Vasquez going full auto kills 2 more, but Hicks going full beast mode opens up with the Smartgun on full auto and kills all but one of the aliens which Ripley dealt with
Turn 5
Hicks, being the only member of the squad remaining with an arc welder sealed up the spawn point allowing Gorman, Vasquez, Ripley and Newt to escape, Frost and Hudson run to catch up, in the Xenomorph turn 2 blips spawn at point 1 and again break the barracade and begin chasing the marines toward the exit
Turn 6
The game came to a dramatic end with Hicks, Hudson and Frost racing through the exit with a Xenomorph swarm close behind!!
Post Game
Really enjoyed the game, the marines got really lucky with dice rolls, the turn 4 Xenomorph spawn at point 2 was a real brown trouser moment, also I suspect the mission might go much different when a group is playing cannot wait to try a co-operative mission
.....Target organism identified.....despatch retreaval team.......
......USCMC team deamed expendable........
......Transmistion Treminated........
Excellent work dude. Can't t wait to play
ReplyDeleteMe too, going to be fun playing proper co-op