Admrial Piett VS Grand Admiral Thrawn

 Star Wars Armada battle report

Admiral Firmius Piett sealed the bulkhead behind him, its smooth action and the highly polished floor of the room bringing home to him again that this was not his regular command, the Super Star Destroyer Executor, he approched the holo communicator at the centre of the room and pressed the flashing accept button on the console and then stood to attention as the intimidating image of the black armoured Darth Vader appeared before him "Admiral Piett, now the Ravager has joined the fleet I have a mission for you"  

Piett nodded "Yes Lord Vader Ravager is ready but there are very few other forces here...." 

Vader interuppted the admiral 

"Additional forces will not be necessary, Grand Admiral Thrawn needs bringing to heel and the new Super Star Destroyer you have just launched will be sufficent"

"Yes my Lord"



Battle Report

So I recently added the Super Star Destroyer expansion to my Star Wars Armada collection and have been eager to try out this awesome ship in battle but due to the fact that the entire planet is kind of unwell and we are all trapped in our own homes at the moment have been unable to, so I finally decided to set up a game by myself as a destraction on my day off from work.


Admiral Piett has the Executor 2 class Super Star Destroyer Ravager a Raider 2 class corvette and 5 TIE fighters, 2 TIE Interceptors and a single TIE Defender squadron
Grand Admiral Thrawn has 2 Imperial 2 class Star Destroyers a Gladiator 2 class Star Destroyer and 3 TIE Defender, 3 TIE Interceptor and 2 TIE Advanced squadrons


The forces line up

Turn 1

The Grand Admiral's forces had the inititive and kicked off the battle by advancing on the Super Star Destroyer none of his forces were in range to open fire yet, after Thrawn's forces completed their advance they watched as the Super Star Destroyer began its advance while the Raider broke off and attempted to get around the enemy forces

Turn 2

As turn 2 kicked off Admiral Piett's forces kicked off the Raider continuing its advance along the flank and Thrawns forces continued to close on the Super Star Destroyer and with the Super Star Destroyer moving last it was finally in range and opened fire with its bow batteries on Thrawns Star Destroyer 

 On a side note I didn't notice till the battle ended that the SSD's base card was the wrong way round Lol

The first attack from the Super Star Destroyer cripples Thrawns Imperial class Star Destroyer 

This upgrade is well worth 6 points

The damage Thrawns Star Destroyer suffered after the shields were downed 

Turn 3

At the start of turn 3 we are back to Thrawns forces and he takes the opportunity fire upon the SSD 

His attack strains the Super Star Destroyers forward shields, the Raider meanwhile gets caught and has its shields hammered by the second ISD and then it came to the Super Star Destroyer's turn 

Firing into the already damaged flank of Thrawns Star Destroyer and with this roll Thrawn's ship is obliterated in a massive blast 

Turn 4

As turn 4 kicks off the Raider attempts to run from the remaining Imperial Star Destroyer, its turbo lasers pattering harmlessly off the masssive shields of the Destroyer, but the Raider was unable to move fast enough to escape and the Star Destroyer avlanches fire into the small corvette

The damage from the first attack crippled the ship

And the second shatters the corvette and its wreck tumbles away shedding wreckage 

Turn 5

At the start of turn 5, which due to extenuating circumstances had to be the final turn, the Gladiator kicked off firing from its side arc and knocking out another shield from the Super Star Destroyer, it then moved closing on the Super Star Destroyer and due to its title card

it can make its second attack after moving and was now at close range and it unloaded a full attack into the flank of the Super Star Destroyer

This attack took out the forward side shields and caused the first hull damage on the Super Star Destroyer and this bought the game to a close, Admiral Piett victorious!!

Post Game

Admiral Piett stood at the main bridge window his hands clasped behind his back, the quiet voices of the bridge crew humming in the background as he watched the tumbling wreckage of the destroyed enemy Star Destroyer, his attention was drawn from the remains by the familiar bootsteps and heavy breathing of Darth Vader approching, he turned as Vader came close "Well done on your victory Admiral it seems Ravager is now ready to join the fleet, set your course for Coursant we have a task to perform"


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